How to Choose A Suitable Single Girder Overhead Crane

How to Choose A Suitable Single Girder Overhead Crane

Post time: Jun-05-2024

To choose a suitable single girder bridge crane with electric hoist, you need to consider the following factors: lifting capacity, working environment, safety requirements, control method and cost, etc.

Lifting capacity: Lifting capacity is the basic indicator of single girder eot crane, and it is also an important reference factor for selection. According to the weight of the object to be lifted, choose a bridge crane with appropriate lifting capacity. It should be noted that the lifting capacity of the crane is generally much greater than the weight of the object to be lifted to ensure safe lifting.

Working environment: The working environment includes factors such as the site, temperature, and humidity where the single girder eot crane is used. Choose an appropriate crane according to the different working environments. For cranes used outdoors, factors such as wind, rain, and dust should be considered, and cranes with good weather resistance and perfect protective measures should be selected.

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Safety requirements: As a dangerous equipment, safety is of vital importance for single girder overhead cranes. Choose a crane with safety facilities, such as limiters, safety hooks, weight sensors, etc. At the same time, ensure that the crane runs smoothly, without abnormal noise and vibration, and can detect and repair equipment failures in a timely manner.

Control mode: According to actual needs, choose a suitable crane control mode, such as manual control, wireless remote control, and panel control. Different control modes have different requirements for operators and operational flexibility, and need to be selected according to actual conditions.

Cost of the crane: The cost includes the purchase price of the single girder bridge crane, operation and maintenance costs, etc. Choosing a suitable crane requires minimizing the cost while meeting the needs. You can choose a crane with a high cost performance by comparing the quotations of different manufacturers.

In summary, choosing a suitable single girder overhead crane with electric hoist requires considering multiple factors. When choosing, you need to consider comprehensively and weigh according to actual needs to choose a more suitable crane.

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